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The Diplomat is an agent type in Medieval II: Total War, recruited in Town Hall (or their next level buildings). Few nations can recruit Diplomat in castle if Castle Library is built. There is no recruitment limit on Diplomat.


The Diplomat's main purpose is to make diplomatic deals with other factions. The higher the diplomat's Influence skill, the higher chance for diplomatic deal and for better term(for example more money out of selling map information).

Diplomat Ancillaries[]

Name Building required Chance % Effect How to obtain
Diplomatic Escort Castle 66 +1 LineOfSight AND +1 PersonalSecurity Agent Created
Exotic Gifts Great Market 33 +1 Influence Agent Created
Swift Steed Horse Breeders Guild (faction exist) 33 +15% MovementPoints AND +1 PublicHealth Agent Created
Translator Market 15 +2 Influence End turn in settlement
Foreign Dignitary 3 +1 Influence DistanceCapital>30 and in other faction lands

Translator only transferable ancillary. If the diplomat gets too old, transfer to younger diplomat. Some bad skilled diplomat should be placed in settlement with Market to gain ancillary for all diplomats in faction.

Diplomat traits and gaining Influence skill[]

Traits good

Max level

Level and effect

How to get
GoodDiplomat 5 +1(1)/+2(2)/+3(4)/+4(8)/+5(16) Influence A diplomat gains a point in GoodDiplomat on a successful bribery or diplomatic mission. Antitrait BadDiplomat.
ReligiousTolerance 3 +1/+2/+3  Influence A diplomat gains first level in ReligiousTolerance on creation with 50% probability if he is in a region with 70% or less of the population as the faction's religion. He gains an additional level with 25% probability if he gains that first level. This makes the probabilities 1(37.5%), 2(12.5%). At the end of any turn, a diplomat with one or more levels in ReligiousTolerance gains another level with 4% probability. Antitrait ReligiousIntolerance.
Multilingual 3 +1(1)/+2(2)/+3(4)  Influence A diplomat gains a point in Multilingual on creation with 33% probability if his town's distance to capital is greater than 40, and an additional point after that with 33% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(22%),2(11%). At the end of any turn in which the diplomat has a distance to capital greater than 60, he gains one point of Multilingual with 10% probability.
SmoothTalker 3 +10%(2)/+20%(4)/+30%(6) BribeSuccess A diplomat gains two points of SmoothTalker on creation with 10% probability,and one point with 100% probability on a successful bribery mission.
BraveDiplomat 3 +1/+2/+3-1 Influence AND PersonalSecurity A diplomat gains a level of BraveDiplomat with 33% probability each time they execute an assassin. Antitrait CowardDiplomat.
NaturalDiplomatSkill 3 +1/+2/+3 Influence A diplomat gains first level of NaturalDiplomatSkill on creation, another second level with 33% probability, and then if he gains the second level, a third level with 33% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(67%), 2(22%), 3(11%).
Secretive 3 +1(1)/+2 AND +5%(2)/+3 AND +10%(4)  Influence And BribeSucess A diplomat gains a point of secretive on creation with 5% and 20% probability, and with 20% probability on a successful bribery mission.At the end of any turn, a diplomat with one or more levels in Secretive gains one point of Secretive with 4% probability. Antitrait Talkative.

Traits bad

Max level

Level and Effect

How to get

BadDiplomat 3 -1(2)/-2(4)/-3(8)  Influence A diplomat gains a point in BadDiplomat on an unsuccessful bribery mission with 66% probability, or on an unsuccessful diplomatic mission with 33%probability. Antitrait GoodDiplomat.
ReligiousIntolerance 3 -1/-2/-3  Influence A diplomat gains a first level in ReligiousIntolerance on creation with 50%probability if he is in a region with 80% or greater of the population as the faction's religion. He gains an additional level with 25% probability if he gains the first level. This makes the probabilities 1(37.5%), 2(12.5%). At the end of any turn, a diplomat with one or more levels in ReligiousIntolerance gains another level with 4% probability. Antitrait ReligiousTolerance.
CowardDiplomat 3 -1/-2+1/-3+2 Influence AND PersonalSecurity  A diplomat gains a level of CowardDiplomat with 33% probability each time they suffer an assassination attempt. Antitrait BraveDiplomat.
Talkative 3 -1 AND +5%(2)/-2(4)/-3  AND -5%(8)  Influence And BribeSuccess A diplomat gains a point of talkative on creation with 5% and 20% probability, and with 10% probability on an unsuccessful bribery mission. At the end of any turn, a diplomat with one or more levels in Talkative gains one point of Talkative with 4% probability. Antitrait Secretive.

Diplomats don't gain more than 10 Influence skill. Some traits in tables have numbers in brackets: this denotes how many points one needs to raise skill (for example, to get GoodDiplomat to the third level, he needs very least 4 successful Diplomatic missions in row without fail). Antitraits mean that they can replace one trait with another. Example would be if Diplomat successfully completes Diplomatic missions and gains GoodDiplomat, but then fail diplomatic deals three times in row, GoodDiplomat is removed and Diplomat now gain first level of BadDiplomat.

Strategy and tips[]

Best place to recruit diplomats is in settlement with lower then 70% state religion and at least 40 distance from capital, to get maximum possible bonuses in traits. Late game recruit in large city with at least great market(for Exotic Gifts ancillary). Get horse breeder guild in faction(for Swift Steed ancillary).

Influence is easy to master, just make Diplomat sell map information to maximize GoodDiplomat.

Medieval II: Total War Characters
Family Members Faction leader • Faction heir • Male family members • Female family members • Children
Military Characters Generals • Captains • Admirals
Playable Agents DiplomatsPriestsImamsMerchantsAssassinsSpiesPrincesses
Unplayable Agents Heretic • Witch • Inquisitor